EXTERNAL SOLUTIONS: Subcontracting and outsourcing solutions from Spain

External Solutions, based in Spain, specializes in subcontracting and outsourcing solutions since its establishment in 2005. Its expertise lies primarily in machining, sheet metalwork, and tube processing. While woodworking is also offered, it is mainly tailored for specific applications in the railway interior design domain. Additionally, the company provides services for subassembly assembly and kit assembly.

Relying on a network of reliable and experienced Spanish subcontractors, External Solutions ensures a French-speaking point of contact while benefiting from operational teams on the ground in Spain.

Adopting a "Design to Cost" approach, the company prioritizes close collaboration with its clients, going beyond mere price negotiation to find advantageous technical solutions. Trusted by major corporations such as Alstom, Bombardier, and Eurostar, External Solutions operates as a second-tier supplier on railway projects. 

Facilities / Services EXTERNAL SOLUTIONS

The company also operates in other areas such as:

Business Sectors:

  • Various industries
  • Special machinery
  • Dosing
  • Spare parts

Regarding its services, External Solutions stands out for:

  • Flexibility and responsiveness
  • Significant production capacities
  • Average delivery times of 2 to 3 weeks
  • Possible emergency assistance within 48 hours to 1 week
  • Ability to store parts in case of market orders to ensure immediate availability of its clients' needs.