INUSE: SaaS Industrial IoT software solution provider for equipment manufacturers and factories

InUse helps factories in their quest for eco-efficiency thanks to the Digital Continuous Improvement Hub (DCI Hub): an IoT application that brings together connected services to reduce waste of time, materials and natural resources in factories.

The DCI Hub brings continuous improvement into the digital age, where connected equipment uses production data to guide operators, technicians and plant managers on the best actions to take. 

The outcome of a development initiated in 2015, the DCI Hub is today deployed in more than 100 factories in various sectors such as food & beverages, recycling, renewable energies and is also aimed at equipment manufacturers, who can deploy an innovative digital service offer dedicated to their equipment.

Facilities / Services INUSE

InUse Machine Relationship Management (MRM)

InUse MRM is an innovative solution distributed under a white label, allowing equipment manufacturers to have their own industrial IoT solution dedicated to their equipment. It is the ideal starting point for all machine manufacturers who want to differentiate themselves on the market and strengthen their customer proximity with an innovative digital service offer.

The main objectives of InUse Machine Relationship Management are as follows:

  • To ensure a continuous relationship with your end customers through digital communication channels.
  • Maintain the performance and availability of your machines over time with innovative connected services
  • Create a new source of recurring revenue
  • Digitalising and disseminating the knowledge and skills of technical experts
  • Have proactive teams of technicians and save at least one on-site visit per machine per year by your technicians.
  • Offer a higher level of eco-efficiency by using machine data to reduce losses in terms of time, materials, natural resources and energy.

Accessible via a web browser, InUse MRM offers two distinct environments for designing and deploying your application autonomously on the one hand (Studio) and for delivering the connected services on the other hand via your application (Webapp).

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