Psycle, expert in industrial vision | 

Tuesday, 20 February 2024
Psycle, expert en vision industrielle
Psycle, expert in industrial vision

The basic software offered by Psycle (PAP: Psycle Assistant Production) can be supplemented by a software (PAQ: Psycle Assistant Quality) dedicated to monitoring and improving the performance of vision applications.

While PAP sees and acts in real time in a logic of automation, PAQ observes and learns images collected in a logic of continuous improvement.

Psycle makes it possible to delegate: critical areas that must be constantly monitored are entrusted to an artificial eye, which works under the control of the human operator.

Psycle also makes it possible to reveal: the images that are brought up make it possible to discover unknown problems, to qualify and to quantify the non-quality.

Finally, the main interest of Psycle is to anticipate: the industrialist can go back upstream of detected problems to see what are the warning signs.

Thanks to these 3 functions, our customers have the means to act to increase their TRS and eradicate non-conformities.

Psycle solutions (PAP & PAQ) are aimed at both:

- Production managers, maintenance managers, continuous improvement, methods, faced with a problem they cannot solve;
- Lean 4.0 managers who seek to push the boundaries of operational excellence;
- OEMs and industrial machine integrators looking for reliable and customizable solutions for their customers.

Meet at the show
Booth 10-C27